Apr 19, 2024
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What are important ways to stay cool?
There’s something about the Alabama weather that each year provides up to two dozen days of spring before the summer blaze arrives quicker than anyone truly wishes.

Saying that, any Alabamian knows June, July and August are grueling, but that there are ways to stay cool despite temperatures reaching triple digits.

A few of the most important ways to avoid the heat is to be prepared. While everyone knows it’ll at least be in the mid-90s by day and mid-80s at night, it’s important to avoid the hottest part of the day and plan ahead if there’s yard work or any activity outside.

It’s also critical to wear light, loose clothing. Heavy, tight cotton will absorb a lot of sweat and make it harder to breath, which isn’t good when temperatures are as high as Alabama experiences. Footwork goes into the same category. Feet need to breath as much as any other part of the body.

But the most important thing to remember is to stay hydrated.

Water or any sports beverage will help not only keep the body cooler, but also avoid any chance of heat strokes or illness. Eating a light meal before going outside for an activity also keeps the body cool, as well.

Lastly, if cooling off at a pool or waterpark, or just doing yard work in the sun, it’s crucial to use an adequate amount of sunscreen. Although it may not seem like the sun is doing damage, it is indeed.